Tag Archives: Microsoft
The FoxBox… or not

Foxtel, the main Pay TV provider here in Australia, recently partnered with Microsoft to bring their TV platform to the Xbox 360. This service works over IPTV instead of using the traditional satellite or cable systems that Foxtel would normally use. To me, this is a big advantage due to not being in a cable […]
Full StoryThe Multitask Mess

Over the past few days, quite a few media outlets have said that Windows Phone 7 will not have multitasking support. Of course, that’s not true at all. I downloaded the SDK for the new operating system and decided to see for myself.
Full StoryAustralian Price Gouging

One thing that has really been annoying me lately is companies that think it’s OK to artificially inflate prices of products here in Australia. There are a lot of companies doing this and it really needs to stop. With the Internet, more and more people are looking overseas for cheaper prices. More often than not, […]
Full StoryMicrosoft finally woke up

Well, it looks like someone from Microsoft actually reads my blog. If you read the earlier post entitled Microsoft, you are retarded, you would see that I was extremely unhappy with Microsoft’s method of suspending users when they don’t want to pay for additional months of XBox Live Gold memberships. I just received an email […]
Full StoryMicrosoft, you are retarded

About 6 months ago, I upgraded my Xbox Live account to a Gold account as I wanted to play some games online – something I don’t do often. I was under the impression that I could just play online for a month, then downgrade my account back to Silver when I was done. I was […]
Full StoryLive Mesh Remote Desktop

I just have one thing to say about Live Mesh Remote Desktop. It’s retarded. What kind of an idiot developer would make screen updates a higher priority than click events? I’m at work right as I write this post and I’m trying to access my home PC. I just happened to have a website open […]
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