Tag Archives: Censorship
Lack of respect for fellow hackers
When I was first learning how to crack and patch apps, most of the people who I came across generally respected the skills of someone who can make a tool which makes their lives much easier. That is until I decided to release one of those tools. For the past few months on and off […]
Full Storysmarthouse.com.au against free speech?

When I posted a comment on a smarthouse.com.au article criticising the writer’s views. I expected it to be accepted and the writer would comment on it. However, instead of doing the right thing and accepting it, they quite simply blocked it. Therefore stifling any attempt at adding any sort of criticism to the article. At […]
Full StoryThe ACMA Blacklist Leak

After reading about the ACMA blacklist leak (and inspecting it myself – no, I won’t link to it as this blog is hosted in Australia and I could face $11,000 fines per day), it seems pretty obvious to me that despite what Senator Stephen Conroy says, it is in fact the ACMA blacklist. Just think […]
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