Archive for 'Idiots'
Flash back to the 90’s

One thing that has been really annoying me lately is the sheer amount of ads on websites that use flash animations. Seriously, it makes websites look like they’re from the 90’s with the amount of animating crap on them. Several sites that I visit often have decided to place 4 (some sites more) ad spots […]
Full StoryA Chance Misleading

One thing that has really been bugging me lately is the use of “increased chances” or similar phrases. This has to be one of the most misleading phrases ever known, the thing is, people still believe every bit of it.
Full StoryThe Canned Response

There’s one thing that really annoys me when it comes to companies that provide email based support. It’s known as the Canned Response. When the company doesn’t even read your message properly and just sends back a prewritten response that has absolutely nothing to do with the issue.
Full StoryLack of respect for fellow hackers
When I was first learning how to crack and patch apps, most of the people who I came across generally respected the skills of someone who can make a tool which makes their lives much easier. That is until I decided to release one of those tools. For the past few months on and off […]
Full StoryIdiots on Youtube

Recently, someone released an obvious fake for a jailbreak on the new iPhone 3GS called the “ttys” exploit. This user was called iH8sn0w, the reason it was obviously fake was the fact that he used an SSH connection to his iPhone to actually apply the jailbreak. Anyone who knows anything about the iPhone knows that […]
Full StoryMicrosoft finally woke up

Well, it looks like someone from Microsoft actually reads my blog. If you read the earlier post entitled Microsoft, you are retarded, you would see that I was extremely unhappy with Microsoft’s method of suspending users when they don’t want to pay for additional months of XBox Live Gold memberships. I just received an email […]
Full StoryBackwards ordering of blog comments

This is one thing that really annoys me, blogs that have their comments backwards. I really don’t understand what kind of sense it makes having the comments in reverse chronological order, i.e. latest to earliest. Most comments on blog posts are either replies to another comment or reference something said in an earlier one. For […]
Full StoryMicrosoft, you are retarded

About 6 months ago, I upgraded my Xbox Live account to a Gold account as I wanted to play some games online – something I don’t do often. I was under the impression that I could just play online for a month, then downgrade my account back to Silver when I was done. I was […]
Full StoryPublishers encouraging piracy

Today, I bought the game Saints Row 2 on PC. I had played it before on PC, yes, a pirated copy, and thought it was good enough to buy. However, as soon as I got it home, my mind was completely changed. The problem all stems from the fact that this specific game uses the […]
Full StoryLive Mesh Remote Desktop

I just have one thing to say about Live Mesh Remote Desktop. It’s retarded. What kind of an idiot developer would make screen updates a higher priority than click events? I’m at work right as I write this post and I’m trying to access my home PC. I just happened to have a website open […]
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