The Long Hiatus
by poedgirl on 11/08/11 at 3:36 pm

Well, it’s been a pretty long time since I’ve written anything on here. I’ve been getting a lot more in to gaming lately and have been neglecting some of my web presences. Well, now I am dedicated to keep writing something here at least every once in a while.
Some of my astute followers may notice that over the past few days, I have made some changes to my blog. It now has a full mobile theme, including an iPad theme. I have also implemented commenting by Disqus. Also of note is the fact that I removed the ad to the right of the page. I never got any money from that thing and to be honest, the ads that were on there were just annoying me; not to mention were going against the guidelines I had set for ads.
I have a few things in my head that I will write about reasonably soon so stay tuned!