iPhone Tethering

by on 19/06/09 at 4:26 pm

iPhone Tethering

As many Australians may already know, some unscrupulous carriers are daring to charge their customers to allow tethering on their iPhones. This is just pathetic on their part and to combat this, I have made some carrier files that you can import into your iPhone and enable tethering and MMS without paying their exorbitant fees.

To install them on your iPhone, open up Mobile Safari and navigate to the URL that corresponds with your carrier:

  • robdegroot

    I just upgraded my telstra iphone to 3.1 and now I dont have tethering. I reinstalled the profile above but it made no difference.

    Any ideas of how to proceed now, Thanks in advance Rob.

  • http://poedgirl.poedomain.net/ poedgirl

    Unfortunately I have no idea if these will work at all with 3.1. They have only been tested with 3.0. I have not yet upgraded to 3.1 as I require it jailbroken to use it. Of course, once you jailbreak it, it will be easy to apply new carrier settings.

  • http://brothertu.blogspot.com/ brothertu.blogspot.com/

    I’ve installed Poedgirl’s carrier file a while ago and it’s been working perfectly untill I updated to OS 3.1. Thanks a lot to Poedgirl for creating this profile BTW.

    After OS 3.1 installed, I couldn’t find “internet tethering” any more from settings->general->network.

    Problem fixed after I removed Poedgirl’s carrier file from:
    Settings -> General -> Profiles

    Sounds like OS 3.1’s build-in profile supports my carrier which is good.
    Hope that helps.

  • rizlah

    I am on voda au 3.1 firmware and this issue was driving me nuts, i used to have tethering and it was all good until I jailbroke and unlocked my phone then it all went pete tong… with this config file I am a happy camper again

  • ttmax

    I switched to telstra after giving up on the 3 data sim I’d used for some time.
    Despite being jailbroken and unlocked and having tethering available with 3 nothing seemed to make available with telstra. Then I ended up here.

    So good. So good. After wandering around various sites for most of the night with no succes I ended up here, followed the link and, yes it worked!!!!!
    So simple. So quick. So easy. Worked first time.

    iPhone 3gs
    telstra prepaid data sim

    and now….. Tethering is working.


  • Brad

    Hi, looks like no go for me. I’m running V 3.1.3 (7E18), Carrier: Optus 5.0, Model MC133X. All that happens is the Tethering Button disapears in front of my eyes as I open Networks. Do I really need to jailbreak the phone?

  • trapper

    i think im in the same boat as brad, optus the bastards want a monthly 10 dolllar fee for exactly quite what i dont know. i too am on a 3g vith v 3.1.3, optus whatever. whenever I install your profile my tehtering option disappears. how hard is it to jailbreak a phone. and do i need to. i am a bit of a luddite so i would like to keep it simple.

  • Nick

    Hey all,
    I no this is a old thread but is there any way of getting this to work on iOS 6