Driving: Roundabouts
by poedgirl on 16/04/09 at 12:10 pm

On my way to work this morning, I was caught behind a complete moron. Not only did he constantly break at random times (with no-one in front of him and going 10km/h below the speed limit), but he completely failed to navigate two roundabouts.
Roundabouts are one of my biggest pet peeves with driving in Perth. People just don’t understand them, even though they are extremely simple to understand. I’ll start by explaining what the person did wrong. Upon entering the roundabout, he indicated right. He then proceeded to go straight, keeping his right indicator on until after he exited. Seriously, how the hell does anyone think indicating right when going straight is the right thing to do?
Here are the VERY simple steps for navigating a roundabout in Western Australia:
- When approaching the roundabout, indicate your intentions (just like any other intersection):
- If turning left, indicate left.
- If going straight, do NOT indicate.
- If turning right, indicate right.
- If there are more than 4 exits, if exiting after the second exit, indicate right.
- Give way to anyone coming from the right of where you are, including vehicles approaching the roundabout or vehicles already in it.
- Proceed through the roundabout, if a multilane roundabout, stay in your lane – no matter what.
- When exiting, indicate left.
And there we have it, the EXTREMELY simple rules for navigating a roundabout, yet so many people get it wrong. You’d be amazed at how many times I go through a multilane roundabout just to be nearly hit because some idiot changed lanes as well.